Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
NDC Savings Club - 04.15.15
Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
Wednesday Apr 15, 2015
Recovering Autism, ADHD, & Special Needs
Guest Speaker: Shelley Tzorfas - Specialized Tutoring/ Learning Assessments
Shelley Tzorfas has been working with children, teens, and young adults who have learning disabilities, ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, and other special needs. With over 20 years experience, she has created ways to help these children succeed in academics and social goals while teaching parents how to navigate the educational system. She holds an MFA degree from Rutgers University, has studied education at Hunter College and NYU, and has worked as a child advocate. She is known for her witty articles on children's and special needs issues in online and print publications.
As the author of "Recovering Autism, ADHD, & Special Needs" I have been recovering children for more than 2 decades. Today 1 in every 6 children is "Developmentally Disabled" while 1 in every 5 children are now considered to be "Neurologically Impaired." In some states 1 in every 25 boys have Autism. My book and presentations will teach parents how to recover the children right now. Autism is up to 50 layers of illness in one child. It affects the skin, eyes not tracking together, bones, joints and bowels and the entire body. We can strip away each layer of illness to recover the child.
NEW BOOK! "The Road Too Often Traveled: A Collection of Articles on Learning Disabilities, Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Special Needs, and Related Issues.” Books are available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com
Health News Segment with: "Dr. Wald, director of Longevity at Integrated Medicine
Today topic: DETOX DECEPTION - Part 4 of 5 Part Series, it's life or death!
Dr. Michael Wald, aka, The Blood Detective, exposes the truths and lies surrounding detoxification methods, approach and concepts. What are toxins? What is detoxification really? How does one detoxify different toxins? What are the right tests, and how does one really know, if they are or have detoxified? What are the detox methods out there that are worthwhile and which are worth-less?